Keepin’ It Simple

Here’s the thing…I really love to cook, but I really don’t love spending every hour of my day doing it. Who’s with me?! Can I be honest for a moment…sometimes, I just really want a magic fairy to come and make dinner for us every night. Othertimes, I really love Grubhub. But I haven’t seen any magic fairies in my kitchen yet, and Grubhub is reserved for those desperate pizza cravings…so I guess that means 99% of the time, I’m cooking! Since we tend to eat Paleo or Whole30 (depending on the month), it can be REALLY HARD! Not to mention, finding healthy food that also tastes good can be a real challenge!

Anyway, my goal is always to make the best tasting meal in the most efficient way possible. It’s taken some practice, but I’ve finally figured it out. I’m not going to share all my secrets in one post or otherwise the entire blog would be pointless! But I will get you started with this…


Top 10 Foods Always Found in My Kitchen:

  1. Applegate hot dogs (turkey and beef)
  2. Green leaf lettuce
  3. Mustard (Whole30 compliant)
  4. Ghee
  5. Frozen broccoli
  6. Sweet potatoes
  7. White potatoes
  8. Eggs
  9. Canned chicken (Whole30 compliant)
  10. Frozen turkey burgers (either homemade or from Trader Joes)

Of course there are other items that are almost always found in my kitchen too, but these are my staples. That’s how I ended up with a simple dinner like this one that took 20 minutes to make. The hot dogs were thrown on our indoor grill and wrapped in lettuce with mustard on top, the potatoes were boiled the day before so we quickly mashed them for dinner, and the asparagus was sautéed in EVOO, garlic, salt, and pepper. Super easy and super tasty!

Health and happiness,

More about Kara Meulstee

I started this blog because at one point in my life I thought I was really good at eating healthy. Turns out, I was really good at eating things that were labeled “fat free”, “no sugar added”, “gluten free”, “low fat”, etc. and wasn’t that good at eating healthy at all!!! Imagine my surprise when I learned the truth...

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